


The individual instructor should be familiar with a primary and an alternate evacuation route from each area that he/she teaches. Evacuation route information (including instructions not to use the elevators) should be shared with all students during the first meeting of the initial class/lab and/or studio function and each time thereafter a fire alarm has been activated.

When an alarm is sounded, 教师应立即解除授课, telling students to proceed in a safe and orderly fashion to the nearest clear exit. The instructor shall also evacuate the building immediately. (DO NOT USE THE ELEVATOR.)

The instructor should assist any mobility impaired student (if needed) out of the building or to an enclosed stair tower where they will be protected from flame, smoke and gasses. 如果一个残疾学生被遗弃在楼梯塔上, the University Police must be notified immediately after exiting the building.

If, 在导师的个人判断中, conditions permit, 发热电器应关闭. 离开房间时应关好门窗.

Faculty should assist in preventing students from congregating near the building exits.

When safely out of the building contact the University Police at x4222 by cell phone or from another building.

The building should not be reentered until the University Police gives the "all-clear".

Evacuation of the building when the alarm is sounded applies to all Faculty during teaching and none teaching times.

如果你对这些程序有任何疑问, please contact the Office of Human Resources Safety Office at x4897.

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  • All employees shall be familiar with a primary and an alternate evacuation route from each area within the building where they are working.
  • Evacuation routes are any clear hallway that leads to the stairs and the out side of the building.
  • When an alarms is sounded, the employee shall immediately evacuate the building in a safe and orderly fashion to the nearest clear exit. (DO NOT USE THE ELEVATOR.)
  • Assist any individual requiring additional help or directions to the stairs. Instruct any other occupants of the building to evacuate immediately.
  • When safely out of the building contact the University Police at x4222 by cell phone or from another building.
  • Evacuation of the building when the alarm is sounded applies to all employees whatever their task.
  • The building shall not be reentered until the University Police gives the "all-clear".

如果你对这些程序有任何疑问, please contact the Office of Human Resources Safety Office at x4897.

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The State Fire Prevention Code "Audience Notification" requires that the following be complied with at the start of each performance, address, play, movie, dance, 展览或其他超过50人的聚会.

  1. It shall be the duty of the person in charge of any theatre or place of public assembly to call the attention of those present, 就在演出开始前, address, play, movie, dance, exhibition or other matter of proceedings for which people are assembled, to the number and location of several exits in the building or hall, 并声明所有出口的门都没锁. 在宣布之前, it shall be the duty of the person to make an actual inspection to verify the fact, 或者看到门没锁.
  2. It shall be the duty of the person in charge of every public or private assembly to call the attention of everyone present at a performance, address, play, movie, dance, exhibition or other matter of proceeding to the exits by displaying or announcing the following:

    For your own safety, 找最近的出口, in case of emergency, walk, do not run, to that exit.

  3. The requirement for calling the attention of everyone present in any public or private assembly of more than 50 people to the exits shall be considered complied with by one of the following methods:
    1. 台上口头宣布上述通知, platform, 或每次演出开始时的楼层, address, play, dance, movie, exhibition, 竞赛或其他诉讼事项.
    2. Showing the above notice on the cinema screen where moving or stereopticon pictures are shown.
    3. Printing the above notice in bold type letters not less than one-fourth inch in height on the back of programs for any performances, 事宜或其他法律程序. Nothing but the notice shall be placed on the back of the program.
    4. Having a fixed sign or signs displaying the above notice printed in letters of a size and clearness that can be easily read from any and every point in the assembly room.

If you have any questions, please contact the Safety Office at x4897.

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The University community must be constantly aware of the possibility of fire and fire related problems. 因为大学设施的集中使用, a fire incident on campus could threaten the lives of many people.

澳门十大赌城官方网站 complies with the State of Maryland Fire Prevention Code and the National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code 101. Questions regarding their application to campus situations should be addressed first to the Office of Human Resources Safety Office. 如需进一步解释, the Office of Human Resources Safety Office will consult the Office of the State Fire Marshall. Listed below are the primary fire safety rules, regulations and procedures:

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  1. Sound the Alarm
    If you discover or suspect a fire, sound the building fire alarm. The Jenkins house and the Fuller House are the only campus buildings that do not have a complete fire alarm system. These two facilities are equipped with overhead smoke detectors. Employees in those buildings should alert fellow employees orally when the detector is activated. If conditions permit, report the fire to University Police at x4222.
  2. 立即离开大楼
    Walk; do not run, to the nearest exit. 去离大楼300英尺或更远的安全区域. Do not stand in roadways or otherwise interfere with fire personnel. Do not go back into the building until university police announce "all clear." Assist any handicapped individuals as you evacuate the building. 在疏散大楼时, close doors and windows only if your personal safety will not be jeopardized.
  3. Report the Fire
    From a safe location, dial x4222 to report the fire to University Police. When calling from somewhere other than the building that is burning, give as much information as possible and stay on the line until the dispatcher tells you to hang up. Be prepared to give the exact location of the fire and what is burning.

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  1. Crawl, if there is smoke.
    If you get caught in smoke, get down on the floor and crawl. Hot, smoke-filled air rises and cooler, cleaner air will be near the floor.
  2. Feel doors before opening.
    如果门把手或门本身是热的,不要打开它. If the door or knob is cool, brace yourself against the door and open it slightly. If heat or smoke is present, close the door and remain in the room or seek an alternate exit.
  3. 走最近的安全出口或楼梯.
    If the nearest exit or stairway is blocked by smoke, go to an alternate. NEVER USE THE ELEVATOR, which may deliver you to the scene of the fire or trap you. Close as many doors as possible as you leave, to help confine the fire.
  4. 不要试图灭火,除非:
    1. 火势很小(不超过废纸篓大小)
    2. you know how to select and use a portable fire extinguisher
    3. 你有一条畅通的逃生路线

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  1. Keep the doors closed.
    Seal vents and the cracks around the doors to keep smoke out. 使用管道胶带或湿布,如果有的话. If you are trapped in a sealed room, and there does not appear to be exterior smoke, open the window.
  2. Signal for help.
    把一件东西挂在窗外(床单、夹克等).)以引起消防部门的注意. 如果有电话,拨打学校警察x4222. Give your exact location; e.g.,楼层,房间号,楼的哪一边. 等待消防部门的救援. 实际上,在任何情况下,考虑跳楼都是不明智的.

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  1. Stop, drop and roll.
    Wherever you are, immediately fall to the ground and roll to smother the fire. Do not run. 如果你看到某人的衣服着火了, 用便携式灭火器扑灭火焰, blanket, rug or coat.
  2. Cool the burn.
    立即用冷水冲洗烧伤部位. 不要用软膏、黄油等. Call an ambulance.

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Fire drills are conducted in all campus administrative and academic buildings twice yearly. Drills are conducted in residence facilities twice in the fall semester and once in the spring semester. Drills are designed to familiarize you with the sound of the fire alarm, to show you alternate exits and to reinforce procedures and behaviors. Evacuate the building immediately at the sound of the alarm.

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  1. 小心有烟的物品. Smoking as defined herein is smoking or carrying lighted tobacco products. Smoking shall not be permitted in any University academic or administrative buildings, enclosed facilities, automobiles, buses, vans or trucks. FSU campus will continue to be a healthy smoke-free environment for all employees.
  2. 小心用电. Use only U.L. listed appliances. Never leave heat generating equipment unattended, especially cooking equipment. Do not overload outlets or use equipment with frayed or damaged cords. 不要在地毯下插电线.
  3. 始终保持出口和走廊畅通. Storage of bicycles, chairs, desks, 或其他家具物品禁止进入所有走廊, stairways and exit ways. Blocked exits or narrowed hallways can cause "chain reaction" pileups of evacuating people during an emergency.
  4. 及时处置可燃废物. Dispose of all combustible wastes (newsprint, cardboard, and like material) as soon as possible. 使用金属或UL认证的垃圾桶. 纸张被保存起来以供回收等., must not be stored within three feet of any heating, electrical or telephone panel.
  5. 限制储存易燃液体和有害物质. Storage of gasoline, ether, paint, glue, corrosives and other hazardous materials is limited to specific quantities and containers. 因为涉及到方案方面的考虑, the Office of Human Resources Safety Office should be contacted in individual instances.
  6. Don't use space heaters. The use of space heaters for personal comfort is prohibited. Supervisory personnel are responsible for seeing that this policy is adhered to. Exceptions to this policy can only be made by the Director of Facilities.
  7. 限制使用明火装置. No open flame devices may be used without prior permission from the Office of Human Resources Safety Office. Permission may be granted under controlled conditions for religious or ceremonial purposes, for instruction, for food service, 或用于必要的维护功能. 不允许使用装饰效果. 明火装置绝不能无人看管.
  8. 报告损坏的生命安全设备. The Safety Office, Residence Life and Physical Plant personnel inspect fire safety equipment on a regular schedule. However, any damage that is observed between inspections should be reported to University Police immediately.
    1. Fire doors - shall not be held open with a foreign object (e.g., soda cans, cardboard, stone) they should open and close completely. Doors with closure hardware should close completely and automatically.
    2. 出口标志-应照明.
    3. 烟雾探测器——应该保持干净. There should be no obvious defects and they should not be covered over with material.
    4. Fire alarm systems - horns, bells and pull stations should be accessible and free of obvious defects.
    5. Fire extinguishers - report any missing or discharged portable fire extinguishers.
  9. Persons with disabilities.
    Persons with disabilities (even temporary disabilities) that impair mobility must inform their supervisors so that assistance may be rendered in the event of emergency evacuation. Hearing impaired individuals should be informed individually of the existence of an emergency. A sighted individual should guide visually impaired persons to safety. Mobility impaired persons should not use elevators in event of fire, but should seek refuge in an enclosed stair tower or other smoke-proof enclosure. Co-workers must notify fire personnel that there is someone in the stair tower.

The Office of Human Resources Safety Office requests that all co-workers render reasonable assistance to each other in the event of an emergency evacuation, 只要这些行动不让任何人进一步, unreasonable danger.

EVERY FIRE, NO MATTER HOW SMALL, 必须向学校警察报告吗, 即使火已经熄灭.

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Each facility at 澳门十大赌城官方网站 has Fire and Life Protection Equipment for the safety of the occupants. 所有设施都有手提式灭火器. 它们可能在大小、类型、颜色和用途上有所不同. There are three (3) basic types of portable fire extinguishers:

  • TYPE A - for fires that need a substance like water to cool burning materials down below ignition level e.g. 纸,布,木材,橡胶和塑料.
  • TYPE B - contains a chemical that will fight flammable liquids, gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel oil, cooking oil and grease.
  • TYPE C - contains a chemical that will fight energized electrical equipment fires, 电线电缆和电动机着火.
  • TYPE ABC - multi-purpose portable fire extinguishers can be used on all three fires mentioned above.

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If you are called on to use a portable fire extinguisher in fighting a small fire, just think of the word P.A.S.S., Pull pin, 将软管或喷嘴对准火焰, Squeeze the handle and Sweep the base of the fire and evacuate the immediate area.

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A fire watch is an individual assigned to walk around a residence hall when the building fire alarm system is not functioning properly.

Procedures in this document will be immediately implemented when any building fire alarm system is out of service for more than one (1) hour and it is determined that the problem will persist after normal work hours. Fire Watches, if required, will cover areas in buildings that are affected by the fire alarm system outage or malfunction. Fire Watches will continue until the fire alarm system has been repaired, 经过测试并恢复全面服务.

FSU personnel, in accordance with this procedure, will staff a Fire Watch. The Office of Human Resources Safety Officer will coordinate with the Director of Facilities, Director of Residence Life and the University Police Chief to agree on the emergency. These four individuals will agree on the appointment of a Fire Watch Staff and the required period of time. The assigned individuals will be given a portable hand-held air horn to notify occupants in case of an emergency evacuation. A flashlight and a radio will be provided by the University Police Department.

对所有公共场所进行彻底检查, 机电室, storage areas, closets, kitchens, laundry/trash rooms and other high-risk areas in the affected areas of the building must be conducted on the half hour. 如果有任何残疾的教员, staff or residents in the affected areas of occupied buildings, 负责监察火情的人员会有一份名单, 通过残疾人的名字和房间号.

The Police Communications Officer at the University Police Headquarters will maintain documentation of the Fire Watch. The individual assigned to the Fire Watch will have continued radio communications with the University Police. Radio communication with the PCO will be accomplished every half hour. The Fire Watch will report that the inspection of the building has been completed and no hazard was noticed. The date and time will be recorded by the Communications Officer.

从下午3:30开始,烽火守望将持续进行.m. until 7:30 a.m. in Residence Halls. 从早上7点半开始.m. and 3:29 p.m. all building occupants will be notified of the fire alarm system outage by electronic mail and signs will be posted on each Fire Alarm Pull Box and Fire Door immediately when Fire Alarm is found to be malfunctioning.

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如果发生火灾或烟雾, the person performing the Fire Watch must immediately notify the University Police at x4222 and notify the building occupants to evacuate by activating the portable air horn while traveling from floor to floor. Assist disabled occupants in any way possible while warning the occupants of each floor. The University Police will immediately notify Civil Defense at x9-911 and dispatch the Patrol Officer to assist in the notification and evacuation of building occupants. The occupants will go directly to the building designated area and await notification from the University Police Officer.


Facilities will be evacuated in the following manner: University Police will assist the occupants in evacuating the building.

  • 电梯在紧急情况下不得使用.
  • University Police will assist the Building Staff to notify the occupants of the emergency.
  • Disabled students will be given assistance during the evacuation.
  • Fire Department Personnel will assist anyone that may need additional help to evacuate the building.
  • Building Staff will relocate the evacuated occupants to another facility as time and weather allow.
  • Occupants will evacuate as quickly as possible using the most direct and clear route.
  • Building occupants will be notified immediately when the fire alarm system has been repaired and functioning properly. If you have any questions, contact University Police Headquarters x4222, 24 hours a day.

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The most obvious sign of a natural gas line leak is the smell. Natural gas by itself is usually odorless, so gas companies add a distinctive odor to gas. If you smell this telltale odor, don't use matches, electrical switches or appliances. Alert your co-workers, but do not use the fire alarm system to do so. Shut down any motorized equipment or other source of electrical spark or ignition. 离开大楼,打x4222给大学警察打电话. Do not enter the building until University Police or fire personnel give the "all clear".

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